New Canaan Library

New Canaan Library is the community’s center for inspiration and lifelong learning. We welcome all to deepen their knowledge through a dynamic collection of print and digital materials; connect with ideas and culture through programs, performances, and exhibitions; and engage with professional staff and others in our new space, which embodies values of environmental and social sustainability.

ID Akun: ACT_F653C1336500

Industri: Perpustakaan

Statistik Seumur Hidup


Halaman Standar


Pohon Standar Dihutankan Kembali

Sertifikat Seumur Hidup

Lihat Sertifikat Seumur Hidup

Dampak Hutan Global

Proyek Reboisasi pohon
Dominican Republic 11,02
France (Torcé) 7,79
Tanzania 2,92
Dampak Total 21,73