Qatar Cool

Qatar Cool is the leading district cooling company in Qatar. Over the past 20 years, the company has developed solid technical and operational experience and has refined its approach on both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) fronts.

ID Akun: ACT_66CBD08D1566

Industri: Keperluan

Statistik Seumur Hidup


Halaman Standar


Pohon Standar Dihutankan Kembali

Sertifikat Seumur Hidup

Lihat Sertifikat Seumur Hidup

Dampak Hutan Global

Proyek Reboisasi pohon
Northern Ireland 19,57
France (Torcé) 14,31
Madagascar 13,59
Tanzania 5,99
Dampak Total 53,46

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